Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Fakta, Potensi, dan Cita-cita
Oleh : Eka Sulistyawati (09301244002)

    Artikel ini dibuat berdasarkan hal-hal yang disampaikan pada mata kuliah filsafat pada hari Kamis, 20 September 2012. Kuliah filsafat pada hari itu adalah sebuah fakta, karena memang benar bahwa saya mengikutinya, mendalaminya, ikut terlibat di dalamnya, dan saya sebagai pelaku dalam kejadian itu. Lalu yang seperti apakah yang disebut cita-cita?
      Sebelum saya menulis artikel ini, artikel ini adalah sebuah cita-cita, artikel ini masih berada di angan-angan saya, belum dalam kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi. Tetapi tahukan, setelah saya menuliskan huruf “F” untuk mengawali tulisan ini, bukan lagi dapat kita sebut sebagai cita-cita, melainkan sebuah fakta yang belum sepenuhnya menjadi fakta. Ketika saya menuliskan huruf “FA” artikel ini adalah sebuah fakta yang tingkatannya lebih tinggi dibanding ketika saya menuliskan “F” saja. Dan ketika saya menulikan “FAK” artikel ini tetap menjadi fakta yang tingkatannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan saat saya menuliskan “F” dan “FA” begitu seterusnya, hingga saya mengakhiri artikel ini dengan menuliskan “.” Artikel ini tetap menjadi fakta.
      Dari contoh di atas, sangat mudah kita artikan seperti apa kejadian-kejadian yang termasuk cita-cita dan seperti apa kejadian yang termasuk fakta. Tetapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita serigkali tak mampu memilah-milah keadaan atau kejadian mana yang merupakan fakta dan keadaan yang sebenarnya hanya berlangsung dalam khayalan atau imajinasi daya pikir kita atau yang seringkali kita sebut sebagai cita-cita. Berdasarkan materi perkuliahan filsafat minggu lalu, Bapak Marsigit menyampaikan metode hidup dibagi menjadi dua yaitu fakta dan potensi. Lalu apakah potensi dan cita-cita merupakan suatu hal yang sama?
      Menurut Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia, potensi adalah kemampuan yang memungkinkan dapat dikembangkan, kesanggupan untuk berbuat atau melakukan sesuatu, daya, sesuatu yang dipandang dapat menghasilkan (menguntungkan), sedangkan cita-cita adalah keinginan, angan-angan, kehendak yang selaluada dalam pikiran, tujuan yang sempurna akan dicapai atau dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan pengertian potensi dan cita-cita di atas, apakah anda apakah potensi termasuk cita-cita? Apakah potensi merupakan himpunan bagian dari cita-cita?
      Menurut saya “YA”, mari belajar dari contoh “Sejak kecil Ibnu pandai bermain gitar” ini merupakan suatu potensi. Setiap orang yang memiliki potensi, (kemampuan yang memungkinkan dapat dikembangkan). Dari kata-kata memungkinkan dapat dikembangkan, berarti sesorang yang memiliki potensi memiliki “keinginan, angan-angan, kehendak yang ada dalam pikiran”. Hal ini sesuai dengan definisi cita-cita. “Ibnu ingin menjadi seorang komposer lagu” ini merupakan cita-cita. Sama halnya bila “Ibnu tidak ingin mengembangkan kepandaiannya bermain gitar karena ibunya tidak menyukai bakatnya ini”, inipun juga merupakan suatu cita-cita. Jadi, setiap ada potensi pasti ada cita-cita, entah itu cita-cita untuk mengembangkan dan mempertahankan, atau cita-cita untuk menghilangkan dan melupakan.
      Tetapi lain halnya jika saya memiliki cita-cita menjadi seorang penulis, tetapi saya tidak memiliki keahlian dalam berkata-kata, merangkai bait-bait kata, dan berimajinasi tentang apa yang saya tulis, inilah yang disebut cita-cita ada tapi potensi tidak ada. Jadi belum tentu yang memiliki cita-cita juga memiliki potensi.
      Dihubungkan dengan apa yang sedang kita pelajari sekarang, yaitu filsafat. Berdasarkan salah satu sumber dari internet yang saya ambil, filsafat adalah pandangan hidup seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang merupakan konsep dasar mengenai kehidupan yang dicita-citakan. Berdasarkan kalimat yang saya “tebalkan” apakah filsafat adalah suatu cita-cita? Jika iya, mengapa? Mohon penjelasan dari bapak, terima kasih.

Selasa, 17 April 2012

How to develop scientific paper

A.    Introduction
Writing an effective scientific paper is not easy. A good rule of thumb is to write as if your paper will be read by a person who knows about the field in general but does not already know what you did. Before you write a scientific paper read some scientific papers that have been written in the format of the paper you plan to use. In addition to the science, pay attention to the writing
style and format.
B.    Content
In spite of the importance of getting papers published as the main indicator of the scientist’s performance, students rarely get training in scientific writing. The basic features of a paper are learnt by intuition, which may be ineffective and/or inefficient. As a result misconceptions appear, leading to papers that are poorly structured and lacking clear focus. If we present a flowchart containing the main processes that we believe occur in conceiving, performing the research and getting the outcome published. Central in this chart is that ideas are what scientists should prioritize in their writing the paper. For novice scientists tend to structure their paper as if they were primarily publishing the results, rather than novel ideas and concepts that are ultimately supported by the results.
Two of the most important of which is the scientific paper

a.    Theories / Reference
Scientific paper  is identical with the research. In the beginning of the study was conducted a gap between the ideal (ought) to of the real (fact). Something is claim ideal based on the theories and opinions of experts and researchers who studied a similar problem in the past. Theories and expert opinions were obtained from various sources, including:
1. Book
2. Scientific paper
3. Journals
4. Internet
Theory and opinion is the basis or research benchmark to be conducted on similar problems.
b.    The fact the data
Research was conducted because of a problem. Problem is the gap between the ideal thing to something that actually happened. Before do research, researchers should first research proposal. In essence the proposal is a plan of action that explains to the reader (agency head) about what steps will be done and how to do it. Consequently, the simpler, more frugal words, the more clear and straight forward, make the reader understand the proposal. Proposal research prepared in order to provide an overview of all matters relating to research to be conducted. The research proposal contains:
A.    Title
a)    The title should be interesting research to be able to attract others to read.
b)    Brief, substantiated and describe the relationship of research variables.
c)    Statement not a question
d)    Written by standard grammar (EYD)
e)    As the implementation of research, the title could be changed so that more can describe the substance of the research, provided that not a problem to be investigated are replaced.

B.    Abstract
An abstract is a succinct (one paragraph) summary of the entire paper. The abstract should briefly describe the question posed in the paper, the methods used to answer this question the results obtained, and the conclusions. It should be possible to determine the major points of a paper by reading the abstract. Although it is located at the beginning of the paper, it is easiest to write the abstract after the paper is completed.
C.    Problem formulation
There are many problems that occur any time. But only a small fraction that can be used as a research problem. Research problem is a problem whose answer can be solve through research. Research problem must be in accordance with the purposes of research and expressed with a sharp, clear, firm, lead, making it easy to assess.
D.    Theoretical review
A researcher is usually not the first person who conducted thhe research in other words, there are others who have examined, there were similar to those to be researched. Theoretical review is a tool to prove things that can measure the depth of researchers understanding on the research subject. Theories can be obtained from books, journals, articles, internet, previous research, etc.. In taking, quotes / cites those theories, a researcher must include a list of references, so do not be a plagiarist.
E.    Methodology
Methodology is a research plan. In this methodology should be based on the design, hypotheses, a framework (theory and research), variables, scope of research, data collection techniques, data processing techniques, and report format to be written.

F.    Data analysis
In the data analysis is presented of data processing methods, such as  by calculating the correlation between variables 1 and study 2 research variables. In the data analysis should be conducted in accordance with the theory to the study of the theory (theoritical review).
G.    Reference
All the things that researchers write from various sources, such as books, internet, journals, etc. The source must be included in the bibliography. Format of writing a bibliography is usually
Writer.published in. Title (in italics). Where published: name of the publisher.

      One of the most important thing in a research or writing a scientific paper is the real data / fact data. Actual data are taken from various activities, such as through direct observation / direct measurements, tests, interviews, etc.. This is called as a research strategy. This research strategy will be the research instrument is a device used to measure something that will be studied. Research instruments to be validated in advance by experts, with the validation will be valid or not known if the instrument used to measure a problem to be investigated. Examples of research instruments, for example if we would measure the length and width of a house, then we may not use a 30cm ruler, tape measure should be used for more precise measurement and careful. To obtain these data, a researcher / author of the paper is not just a one-time research. The study was conducted in several cycles in order that more research is generating data / treatment effect is apparent.
C.    Conclusion
Always spellcheck your paper and carefully proofread your paper before submission. In addition to checking for errors and typos, read your paper to yourself as if you were reading it out loud to ensure that the wording and sentence construction is not clumsy.
D.    Reference
Osvaldo N.Oliveira Jr, Valtencir Zucolotto.Developing Strategies to Produce Better Scientific Papers : A Recipe for Non-Native Users of English accesed by http://arxiv.org/ftp/cs/papers/0611/0611013.pdf
S.Malov.Guidelines for Writting A Scientific Paper accesed by http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/~smaloy/MicrobialGenetics/topics/scientific-writing.pdf at 23 April 2012

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

The Design of Innovative Teaching Learning Process of Mathematics By : Eka Sulistyawati (09301244002)

A.       Introduction
Innovative teaching and learning process begins with the demands of the curriculum Education Unit. According to the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) curriculum is a set of plans and the setting of objectives, contents and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. This includes the specific goal of national education goals as well as compliance with particularity, the condition and potential areas, the education unit and learners. While KTSP is the operational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. In the same page, structured curriculum that gives students’s opportunity to learn and build self-discovery through active, creative, effective and fun learning. From above, it appears that the curriculum arranged in order to provide opportunities for students and make learning an active, creative and fun.
B.    Content
      Based on KTSP, standards of competence and basic competence has been determined by the government (policy makers, determining competence), while the school (education unit) required to create and describe longer the learning objectives, indicators (using the operation verb that can be measured, thus simplifying teacher to determine the students’s ability achieving learning objective and indicators), selecting teaching materials, develop questions that reflect the instrument achievement competency indicators, and develop customized learning time allocation to the education calendar. Based on Standards Content of Curriculum at each educational unit organized by the types and levels of education in each following calendar year. Calendar of Education is setting the time for the learning activities of students during the school year that includes the beginning of the school year, effective weeks learning, effective learning time and holidays.
1)     Approach / Design
As teachers or prospective teachers, we should be able to organize the learning process of innovative, effective, creative and capable of involving students in each set of learning activities. At times close to a variety of design of learning such as constructivist learning, realistic mathematics, problem based learning, cooperative learning, contextual learning, and so on. Translation of each learning design are as follows:
a.       Contextual Learning
According to the briefing series of 2010 micro learning, contextual learning is a process of holistic education, which aims to help students understand the meaning of the subject matter studied by linking the material being studied in the context of everyday life (personal context, social, and cultural) so that students have the knowledge / skills that can be flexibly applied (transferred) from one problem / context to the issues / other context.
b.      Constructivism
According to Ali Mahmudi in Constructivism, Constructivism is an educational theory that place emphasis on the learner, teacher as a facilitator here, based on the idea that all knowledge is constructed based on previous experience.
c.       Realistic Mathematics
Realistic Mathematics learning is one of learning oriented mathematics
everyday experiences and apply mathematics in everyday life.

Formal Mathematics

Formal Model of Mathematics

Concrete Model of Mathematics

1)     Method
The purpose of presenting a variety of teaching methods and their application in learning is for teachers and prospective teachers have a broad knowledge of teaching methods and have the skills to apply them in learning. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each method of learning is very important that a teacher or prospective teacher can apply the right method for learning material, in the achievement of student competencies. There are several kinds of teaching methods, including:
a.       Lecture methods
b.      Discussion method
c.       Inquiry method
d.      Investigation method
e.       Practical work method
f.        Indivudual method
g.       Small group discussion method
h.      Problem solving method
i.         Expository method
j.         Demonstration method
k.       Game method
l.         Study tour method
m.    And so on.
2)     Teaching Materials
a.       Lesson plan
A teacher or prospective teacher is not only obliged to carry out teaching and learning activities, but also be prepared starting from the learning planning, implementation of learning, and evaluation of learning and reporting. In the preparatory phase of learning the teachers / prospective teachers prepare for administrative completeness / instruments such as syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets and many other instruments. Learning stats are always tailored to the curriculum in force at the time. For the current school is used based competency curriculum. According to the Guidelines for Developing Curriculum by BSNP, syllabi is on a learning plan and / or groups of subjects / themes that include specific of standards competence, basic competence, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators of achievement of competencies for assessment, allocation of time, and resources to learn. Syllabi prepared by the teacher independently or in groups of school or through a group of Congress Subject Teachers (MGMP) or Teacher Activity Center (PKG) and the Department of Education.
b.      Students worksheet
Studets worksheet is a worksheet for students both in and kokurikuler and intrakurikuler activities to facilitate understanding of subject matter learned (Azhar, 1993: 78). While according to (http://ahliswiwite.wordpress.com). Student worksheet (LKS) is one of the tools of learning mathematics is quite important and is expected to help learners discover and develop mathematical concepts. The Benefits of Student Worksheet. According to the team of instructors PKG in Sudiati (2003: 11-12), the purpose of Student Worksheet (BLM), among others:
a.       As an alternative to direct teacher instruction or introducing a particular activity.
b.      It can speed up the process of learning and teaching time-saving.
c.       Can optimize limited teaching tool because students can use tools interchangeably.
c.       Teaching aids
A teaching aid is something that is use by teacher in her class to help students improve reading and other skills, reinforce a skill, or to make learning fun. In addition to using various methods, teachers should also be able to use various media and teaching aids (props). The aims of using media and teaching aids (props) are to help instill the concept to students about topic being discussed. Typically teachers use props to a topic that is less real (tangible) or rarely encountered in everyday life of students. With the props and the media the concept of learning accepted by the students clearly.
The purpose of using Various media / teaching aids are:
a.    Provide variety of activities
b.    Provide variety of learning methods
c.     Provide variety of contexts & learning atmosphere
d.      Modul
e.       Handout
f.        Text book

3)     IMPLEMENTATION : Teaching learning process
a.       Developing and implementing apperception
Apperception activities are teacher activities to facilitate students learning topics to be discussed it is to recall the previous topics related to the topics to be discussed. While apperception (student preparation) can be done with the preparation of physical, cognitive, social, emotional and other readiness. For recalls previous material, the teacher can prepare a few simple short questions or problems that can review students' memories. After the students can recall previous material associated with the material to be covered, it have meaning that students are ready to follow the learning with a new topic.
b.      Developing and implementing various interaction
There are three kinds of interactions are:
1.      Whole class interaction
2.      Discuss interaction
3.      Individual interaction
c.       Developing and implementing small group discussion
       Of the kinds of interactions above, one type of interaction is the discussion. To make the discussion, the teacher usually form small groups of a number of students in the classroom. The teacher can divide students into one class in small groups based on ability, gender, skill, spirit, or teachers can also form heterogeneous groups means the characteristic membership of each group consists of a wide range of students, making it more evenly. Usually in this discussion, will distinguish between students who dominate the discussion, the mediocre, or that do not contribute anything in the continuity of discussion. This is one of the purposes of discussion, a student who can lead the way to dominate discussion, and to help other students / friends to spur active part in discussions, so that all members participate actively in discussions. The goal of this group are:
1.    Provide an opportunity for students to take the initiative.
2.    To decrase understanding of the material
3.    Provide or opportunity for the student to think and determine methods of different methods
Obstacle to its implementation are
1.    Understanding teachers and meaning of discussion method is Relatively less.
2.    Requires additional time for the presentation of the material
3.    Most dominated by a brilliant student.
d.      Developing and Implementing Reflection / Presentation
After doing discussion or teaching learning process, it would better if teacher give chance to the student so they can make reflection or presentation. If the discussion is done by a group, usually a presentation made ​​by representatives of each group. In other words each group determines one representative to present the results of their discussions. This is done so that students are trained to speak in front of his friends, and practice put forward the idea of ​​a systematic sequence and can be understood by listeners There are some activities that teacher can do, such:
1.    Make a plan what will teacher do in the class, so student can achieve the aim or conclusion of the teaching learning process.
2.    Teacher still involve in small group during discussion, so the teacher know what student’s need.
3.    After discussion over, the teacher let some student to present the result of the discussion and also give the other student chance to ask question to presenter.
4.    After presentation over, teacher give review about student present and also give chance to the student to make conclusion.
e.       Developing and implementing students assessment
In addition to the preparation of learning and implementation of learning, teachers must also make an assessment. Stufflebeam (Pagehyasa; 2009 ) express that: educational evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and Providing useful, information for Judging an alternative decision. Stufflebeam from view, we can see that the essence of the evaluation of providing information for decision making interests. In education, we can evaluate the new curriculum, an education policy, specific learning resources, teacher or work ethic. Assessment (assessment) is the application of a variety of ways and use various assessment tools to obtain information about the extent to which learners learning outcomes or achievement of competence (the ability of the circuit) learners. Assessment of answering questions about how well the results or learning achievement assessment didik.Hasil a participant can be either the value of qualitative (narrative statement in words) and the value of quantitative (numeric). Measurements related to the process of finding or determination of the quantitative value. Assessment can be done by: daily test, midterm test, final examination, school examination, national examination, open-ended questions, short investigations, multiple-choice questions, essay test, oral test, practice test, and so on.  
Based on copies of standard attachment assessment Assessment Principles Assessment of learning outcomes of students in basic education and medium based on the following principles:
1.        valid, meaning the assessment was based on data that reflects ability measured.
a.       objective, it means that the assessment is based on clear procedures and criteria, not influenced rater subjectivity.
2.        fair, meaning the assessment is not beneficial or detrimental to learners because of special needs as well as differences in religious background, ethnicity, culture, customs, socioeconomic status, and gender.
3.        integrated, meaningful assessments by educators is one of the components inseparable from the learning activities.
4.        open, which means the assessment procedures, assessment criteria, and basic decision-making can be seen by interested parties.
5.        comprehensive and sustainable, meaningful assessments by educators covers all aspects of competency by using different appropriate assessment techniques, to monitor developments ability learners.
6.        systematic, meaningful assessments carried out in a planned and phased by following the standard steps.
7.        Base on criteria, meaning the assessment is based on the size of the achievement competency set.
8.        accountable, meaningful assessments can be accounted for, both in terms of techniques, procedures, or its outcome.
4)     Reflection
According to I Made Sukarna in Lesson Study sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Pembelajaran yang Dilakukan Guru, the lesson Study stage (SEE)
a.       Headmaster of School (the facilitator, guide discussion), teachers model, and the expert sitting in front.
b.      The facilitator introduces participants to reflect
c.       The teacher models comment on the learning process that has been done.
d.      Representatives teachers who are members of the group during the development of lesson plans provide additional comments
e.       Each observer filed observations and opinions
f.        Experts summarize or conclude the discussion
g.       Lesson Study announcement next (next cycle).
C.      Conclusion
To make active, innovative, creative teaching learning process, teacher or prospective teacher must to do :
a.         Choose the design of teaching learning that can facilited students to understanding teaching material and feel fun in their learning activities.
b.         Choose variety of teching method
c.          Choose variety teaching material not only from textbook, but also from other teaching learning resources.
d.         Make implementation of teaching learning process by developing some aspects such as developing students worksheet, teaching aids, interaction, and so on.
e.         Make a reflection to determine what should the teachers do in next siclus.
D.     Reference
Anonim. Pembelajaran Kontekstual Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) Seri Pembekalan Mikro 2010. 2010. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Panduan Penyusunan KTSP.2006.BSNP:Jakarta
I Made Sukarna. Lesson Study Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Pembelajaran yang Dilakukan Guru. 2010. Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA UNY
Ali Mahmudi. Constructivism (Presentation).