Selasa, 17 April 2012

How to develop scientific paper

A.    Introduction
Writing an effective scientific paper is not easy. A good rule of thumb is to write as if your paper will be read by a person who knows about the field in general but does not already know what you did. Before you write a scientific paper read some scientific papers that have been written in the format of the paper you plan to use. In addition to the science, pay attention to the writing
style and format.
B.    Content
In spite of the importance of getting papers published as the main indicator of the scientist’s performance, students rarely get training in scientific writing. The basic features of a paper are learnt by intuition, which may be ineffective and/or inefficient. As a result misconceptions appear, leading to papers that are poorly structured and lacking clear focus. If we present a flowchart containing the main processes that we believe occur in conceiving, performing the research and getting the outcome published. Central in this chart is that ideas are what scientists should prioritize in their writing the paper. For novice scientists tend to structure their paper as if they were primarily publishing the results, rather than novel ideas and concepts that are ultimately supported by the results.
Two of the most important of which is the scientific paper

a.    Theories / Reference
Scientific paper  is identical with the research. In the beginning of the study was conducted a gap between the ideal (ought) to of the real (fact). Something is claim ideal based on the theories and opinions of experts and researchers who studied a similar problem in the past. Theories and expert opinions were obtained from various sources, including:
1. Book
2. Scientific paper
3. Journals
4. Internet
Theory and opinion is the basis or research benchmark to be conducted on similar problems.
b.    The fact the data
Research was conducted because of a problem. Problem is the gap between the ideal thing to something that actually happened. Before do research, researchers should first research proposal. In essence the proposal is a plan of action that explains to the reader (agency head) about what steps will be done and how to do it. Consequently, the simpler, more frugal words, the more clear and straight forward, make the reader understand the proposal. Proposal research prepared in order to provide an overview of all matters relating to research to be conducted. The research proposal contains:
A.    Title
a)    The title should be interesting research to be able to attract others to read.
b)    Brief, substantiated and describe the relationship of research variables.
c)    Statement not a question
d)    Written by standard grammar (EYD)
e)    As the implementation of research, the title could be changed so that more can describe the substance of the research, provided that not a problem to be investigated are replaced.

B.    Abstract
An abstract is a succinct (one paragraph) summary of the entire paper. The abstract should briefly describe the question posed in the paper, the methods used to answer this question the results obtained, and the conclusions. It should be possible to determine the major points of a paper by reading the abstract. Although it is located at the beginning of the paper, it is easiest to write the abstract after the paper is completed.
C.    Problem formulation
There are many problems that occur any time. But only a small fraction that can be used as a research problem. Research problem is a problem whose answer can be solve through research. Research problem must be in accordance with the purposes of research and expressed with a sharp, clear, firm, lead, making it easy to assess.
D.    Theoretical review
A researcher is usually not the first person who conducted thhe research in other words, there are others who have examined, there were similar to those to be researched. Theoretical review is a tool to prove things that can measure the depth of researchers understanding on the research subject. Theories can be obtained from books, journals, articles, internet, previous research, etc.. In taking, quotes / cites those theories, a researcher must include a list of references, so do not be a plagiarist.
E.    Methodology
Methodology is a research plan. In this methodology should be based on the design, hypotheses, a framework (theory and research), variables, scope of research, data collection techniques, data processing techniques, and report format to be written.

F.    Data analysis
In the data analysis is presented of data processing methods, such as  by calculating the correlation between variables 1 and study 2 research variables. In the data analysis should be conducted in accordance with the theory to the study of the theory (theoritical review).
G.    Reference
All the things that researchers write from various sources, such as books, internet, journals, etc. The source must be included in the bibliography. Format of writing a bibliography is usually
Writer.published in. Title (in italics). Where published: name of the publisher.

      One of the most important thing in a research or writing a scientific paper is the real data / fact data. Actual data are taken from various activities, such as through direct observation / direct measurements, tests, interviews, etc.. This is called as a research strategy. This research strategy will be the research instrument is a device used to measure something that will be studied. Research instruments to be validated in advance by experts, with the validation will be valid or not known if the instrument used to measure a problem to be investigated. Examples of research instruments, for example if we would measure the length and width of a house, then we may not use a 30cm ruler, tape measure should be used for more precise measurement and careful. To obtain these data, a researcher / author of the paper is not just a one-time research. The study was conducted in several cycles in order that more research is generating data / treatment effect is apparent.
C.    Conclusion
Always spellcheck your paper and carefully proofread your paper before submission. In addition to checking for errors and typos, read your paper to yourself as if you were reading it out loud to ensure that the wording and sentence construction is not clumsy.
D.    Reference
Osvaldo N.Oliveira Jr, Valtencir Zucolotto.Developing Strategies to Produce Better Scientific Papers : A Recipe for Non-Native Users of English accesed by
S.Malov.Guidelines for Writting A Scientific Paper accesed by at 23 April 2012

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