"Yogyakarta State University on the move toward a World Class University"
Dr. Marsigit, MA
"Yogyakarta State University on the move toward a World Class University"
Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Eka Sulistyawati
A. WCU Programs
1. Purpose
a. Accreditated of programe international standard
b. The availability of international standard curriculum
c. Realization of the learning process that meets international standards
d. Realization of learning outcomes assessment that meets international standards
2. WCU Program
a. Development of Study program that meets International Standard
Activities include benchmarking and establishment of reference criteria for the international study program socialization, mapping and establishment of international standard in environmental of UNY and arrange Strategic Plan development of study program meets international standard
Activities include benchmarking and establishment of reference criteria for the international study program socialization, mapping and establishment of international standard in environmental of UNY and arrange Strategic Plan development of study program meets international standard
b. International Standard Curriculum
Activities include an international standard curriculum benchmarking, preparation of signs of international curriculum development at university level, sosialization signs of international curriculum development universities level, publishing curriculum documents and standard international of course syllabi, and monitoring and evaluation implementation of curriculum-standard international of study program.
Activities include an international standard curriculum benchmarking, preparation of signs of international curriculum development at university level, sosialization signs of international curriculum development universities level, publishing curriculum documents and standard international of course syllabi, and monitoring and evaluation implementation of curriculum-standard international of study program.
c. International standard teaching and learning process
Activities include preparation of international-standard classroom setting guidelines,the preparation of international-standard implementation of the learning plan, guide the preparation of student supervision, the preparation of Guidelines Laboratory on campus, the preparation of management guidelines classroom and learning environment that effective and efficient, the preparation of a standard instrument for evaluating the process teaching and learning in every course of study, preparation of guidelines and agency / service unit guidance counseling learning, training lecturers for developing models and methods international standard learning, English language training for lecturers Class International: TOEFL, IELTS, Academic Skill writing, providing a wide range of learning media, dispatch of lecturers to the world of business and industry, utilization of professionals from the world of business and industry to teach in university.
Activities include preparation of international-standard classroom setting guidelines,the preparation of international-standard implementation of the learning plan, guide the preparation of student supervision, the preparation of Guidelines Laboratory on campus, the preparation of management guidelines classroom and learning environment that effective and efficient, the preparation of a standard instrument for evaluating the process teaching and learning in every course of study, preparation of guidelines and agency / service unit guidance counseling learning, training lecturers for developing models and methods international standard learning, English language training for lecturers Class International: TOEFL, IELTS, Academic Skill writing, providing a wide range of learning media, dispatch of lecturers to the world of business and industry, utilization of professionals from the world of business and industry to teach in university.
d. Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
Activities include benchmarking the development of learning outcomes assessment system students of international class, signs of development assessment system international-class student learning, student learning outcomes assessment instruments of international class, the implementation of classroom assessment of student learning outcomes, further validation and benchmarking learning outcomes assessment instruments international class of students, the implementation monitoring of learning outcomes assessment international class of students, publications and results of system development assessment of student learning outcomes of international class to achieve accountability WCU.
Activities include benchmarking the development of learning outcomes assessment system students of international class, signs of development assessment system international-class student learning, student learning outcomes assessment instruments of international class, the implementation of classroom assessment of student learning outcomes, further validation and benchmarking learning outcomes assessment instruments international class of students, the implementation monitoring of learning outcomes assessment international class of students, publications and results of system development assessment of student learning outcomes of international class to achieve accountability WCU.
e. Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
f. Qualified Lecturer International Development
Activities include the preparation guide faculty development, preparation of maps development and areas of faculty expertise, training foreign language / English for professors, lecturers delivery internship abroad, empowering faculty alumnus Higher Education abroad, sending lecturers overseas sabatical leave, and sending lecturers to further studies abroad.
Activities include the preparation guide faculty development, preparation of maps development and areas of faculty expertise, training foreign language / English for professors, lecturers delivery internship abroad, empowering faculty alumnus Higher Education abroad, sending lecturers overseas sabatical leave, and sending lecturers to further studies abroad.
g. Employee Development and other Education Personnel for Supporting WCU
h. Infrastructures Supporting World Class University
Activities include preparation of guidelines on adequate facilities and infrastructure international standard for the class, socialization guides / signs means and adequate supporting infrastructure for the international classes, provision and classroom setting that meets international standards on the International study program, provision of multi-media class at the International Prodi, procurement Unlimited Internet Access Hot Spot Area, the procurement of laboratory that meets international standards on International Prodi, procurement / supply that meets the Library Space international standards on the International study program.
Activities include preparation of guidelines on adequate facilities and infrastructure international standard for the class, socialization guides / signs means and adequate supporting infrastructure for the international classes, provision and classroom setting that meets international standards on the International study program, provision of multi-media class at the International Prodi, procurement Unlimited Internet Access Hot Spot Area, the procurement of laboratory that meets international standards on International Prodi, procurement / supply that meets the Library Space international standards on the International study program.
i. ICT-Based Management in order to support WCU
Activities include developing and implementing the Data Base System WCU support governance, development and implementation of the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in support WCU governance, development and implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) in the form of a Web site, development of Learning Management System (LMS), and the application of ISO 9001-2000 to support governance WCU
Activities include developing and implementing the Data Base System WCU support governance, development and implementation of the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in support WCU governance, development and implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) in the form of a Web site, development of Learning Management System (LMS), and the application of ISO 9001-2000 to support governance WCU
j. International Standard Library to support the WCU
Library benchmarking activities include International Standard, the preparation
Signs of Library Development International Standard, socialize Signs of Library Development International Standard, the formulation NOI and promotion of library services for users internationally, increasing English language skills of librarians and administrative staff, structuring facilities and infrastructure supporting library services-standard libraries international, electronic-based collection development, socialization-based collection electronics (al e-journal), and evaluation and follow-up of Library Development International Standard
Library benchmarking activities include International Standard, the preparation
Signs of Library Development International Standard, socialize Signs of Library Development International Standard, the formulation NOI and promotion of library services for users internationally, increasing English language skills of librarians and administrative staff, structuring facilities and infrastructure supporting library services-standard libraries international, electronic-based collection development, socialization-based collection electronics (al e-journal), and evaluation and follow-up of Library Development International Standard
k. Competent International Student Affairs
Activities include setting up systems for program admission international academic English language training (academic Classic) is continuously and tiered to students, English language training for students in the PPL International Standard School, Information Technology training for students, training and development of a superior attitude in the association and competition international
Activities include setting up systems for program admission international academic English language training (academic Classic) is continuously and tiered to students, English language training for students in the PPL International Standard School, Information Technology training for students, training and development of a superior attitude in the association and competition international
l. Publication of Scientific Research and International Standard
Activities include benchmarking research and scientific activities of standard international signs and activities development of scientific research activities international standard, internationally qualified faculty in conducting research and scientific activities, research activities and scientific publications international standards, cooperation and networking with the consortium, the organization professional and international institutions in research and development activities scientific activities of international standard.
Activities include benchmarking research and scientific activities of standard international signs and activities development of scientific research activities international standard, internationally qualified faculty in conducting research and scientific activities, research activities and scientific publications international standards, cooperation and networking with the consortium, the organization professional and international institutions in research and development activities scientific activities of international standard.
m. Dedicated To The Community (PPM) within the framework of WCU
Activities include preparation of guidelines on the implementation of service activities community, phases of exploration / searching cooperation partners in the implementation community service with local and international institutions, socialization signs to the implementation of community service, publishing Document procedures for the implementation of community service, dedication on society by involving students' DHARMASISWA ", devotion on society by involving students and lecturers from universities or which already has a MOU with UNY.
Activities include preparation of guidelines on the implementation of service activities community, phases of exploration / searching cooperation partners in the implementation community service with local and international institutions, socialization signs to the implementation of community service, publishing Document procedures for the implementation of community service, dedication on society by involving students' DHARMASISWA ", devotion on society by involving students and lecturers from universities or which already has a MOU with UNY.
n. Cooperation and International Exchange
Activities include cooperation with various educational institutions and non education local level, cooperation with various institutions non education educational and national level, cooperating with non education educational institutions and international level, do exchange of lecturers (sabbatical leave, sanwich, sit on, and guest lecturers), do delivery of educational personnel abroad, student exchange, exhibition, and promotion of cultural products abroad
Activities include cooperation with various educational institutions and non education local level, cooperation with various institutions non education educational and national level, cooperating with non education educational institutions and international level, do exchange of lecturers (sabbatical leave, sanwich, sit on, and guest lecturers), do delivery of educational personnel abroad, student exchange, exhibition, and promotion of cultural products abroad
B. Conclusions and Suggestions
In the implementation of the WCU program for 2 (two) years found some of the following as conclusions and suggestions:
In the implementation of the WCU program for 2 (two) years found some of the following as conclusions and suggestions:
1. English Ability lecturer in international class still needs to be improved
2. Students need to be given wider opportunities to improve English skills.
3. Explored and developed the need for more intensive to establish cooperation with university partners.
4. The need to fill or to follow up the MOU that has been agreed with university partners.
5. For the lecturers are still enhanced ability to research and publish research results in international journals
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