Usaha Guru dalam Meningkatkan Minat Siswa Mempelajari Matematika
By: Marsigit
By: Marsigit
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
Teaching mathematics is not easy because we find that students are also not easy to learn mathematics. (Jaworski, 1994:83) there is no one best way to teach mathematics. According Prof.Ir.RMJT.Soehakso, (1984:3-4) MOORE style that a lot of jumping steps, full of challenges to be completed students, Eilenberg style that promotes clarity in his lectures, very clearly, as if everything is illuminated with a thousand-watt lamp. In other words 'MOORE' challenging your intelligence but Eilenberg trying to reach your heart.
There are several kinds of methods of learning math by Cocroft Report (1982:132) of them are
There are several kinds of methods of learning math by Cocroft Report (1982:132) of them are
1. Exposition method
2. Discussion method
3. Problem solving method
4. Investigation method
5. Basic skills training methods and principles
6. Application method
But still encountered some obstaclesin teaching process of mathematics that are:
1. Understanding the meaning of theory
2. How to apply
3. Existing system
4. Environmental conditions
5. Learning facilities
Teacher encountered some difficulties in teching mathematics that are:
1. Dealing with differences in mathematical ability of the students.
2. Encourage students to actively learn
3. Developing technology learning mathematics
4. High achieving target of NEM and the completion of syllabus
5. Are the two main factors of why
6. Teachers seemed to have no other alternatives to teaching mathematics except exposition method,
There are kind of reason that makes student does not like math.
According to the absolutist the nature of mathematics including :
According to the absolutist the nature of mathematics including :
1. Abstract
2. Universal
3. Formal
4. Objective
5. Rational
6. Theoretical
7. Neutral and value free
Meanwhile, according to the "social constructivits" the essence of mathematics is
1. Concrete
2. Informal
3. Subjective
4. Discovery
5. Intuition
6. Emotion
7. Specific things
8. Practice
9. Work with hands
While the nature of mathematics in schools are
A. Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
a. Giving students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation of patterns to determine the relationship
b. Give students opportunity to perform research in various ways.
c. Encourage students to find a sequence, difference, comparison, grouping, etc..
d. Encourage students to draw general conclusions.
e. Helping students understand and discover the relationship between understanding one another.
B. Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
a. Encourage initiative and provide an opportunity to think differently
b. Encourage curiosity, the desire to ask
c. Denied the ability and the ability estimates
d. Appreciate the unexpected discovery as beneficial rather than take it as a mistake
e. Encourage students to find the structure design of mathematics
f. Encourage students to appreciate the discovery of other students
g. Encourage students to think reflexively
h. Not to suggest a specific method
C. Mathematics is problem solving activities
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
The implication of this view of the efforts of teachers are:
a. Provide a learning environment that stimulates the emergence of mathematical problem
b. Help students solve math problems using his own
c. Helping students find the information needed to solve mathematical problems
d. Encourage students to think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records
e. Develop the ability and skills to solve problems
f. Helps students know how and when to use various visual aids / media math education as a compass, calculator, etc..
D. Mathematics is a tool to communicate
The implication of this view of teachers and students are:
The implication of this view of teachers and students are:
a. Encourage students to know the nature of mathematics
Here is any methode to make students liked math, there are :
a. Teacher-centered to student-centered
b. Transmission of knowledge into the development of cognition
c. Authoritarian to a democratic
d. Initiative of teachers into the initiative of students
e. Students passive to active student
f. Taboo made a mistake a mistake valuable pedagogical
g. The obligation to consciousness, and the need
h. Class service to service inidvidu
i. Expositions, lectures into discussions, the variation method
j. Abstract, a concrete memory, comprehension, application
k. Highly structured to be flexible
l. Teacher-student contact is a contact closer
m. The role of the teacher to dominate the role of serving
n. Teachers become teachers implementing the curriculum developer curriculum
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