Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

How To be a Good Mathematics Teacher By : Eka Sulistyawati (09301244002)

A.     Introduction
At the beginning of the course, argued that the interaction between the members is important. Just as the told of Mr  Marsigit, conferences is important held where necessary international conferences. Some time ago he had followed a series of international conferences on Japan . The seminar was attended by experts from Japan to discuss Developing Teaching Materials in Teaching Learning Process in Mathematics Problem Solving Diseaster, among which calculates the speed of the tsunami and calculate the speed of the water. In different occasions, Mr. Marsigit visited Tsukuba Primary School to observe the lesson study there.  From there known that teaching mathematics requires a lot of things that must be considered. On this occasion will be discussed about how to be a good mathematics teacher.
B.     The Nature of Learning EveryFundamental of Teaching Mathematics
The things that affect that affect the process of learning mathematics are:
a.      Interaction
Conducive interaction is  not only the interaction between teachers and students only, but also the interaction between students with students, teachers and students, as well as the interaction of students, teachers and learning environment.
With the existence of such interactions, it is expected the mathematics learning  is not centered on the teacher, but it involves a student and learning environment.
There are three Kinds of interactions are:
a)     Whole class interaction
The whole-class interaction is the only part of this framework the which seemed relevant to the focus of the present study. The Difficulties of studying Airways in the which a large group of students construct knowledge are well Might Recognized (Thérèse Dooley: 2007).
b)     Discuss interaction
In discussions, students are usually formed into small groups. Then each group directed to discuss the matter / learning different topics or They can be each group Discussed the same topic but assessed through different views.
Discuss with the interaction of students used as someone WHO Learners are active Able to express opinions in front of others, students learn to respect opinions of others, students can learn independently (concept planting should not be guided learning teacher (traditional method). While the position of teacher is not merely accompany / see the discussion of students, but teachers directing / guiding students, both corporately and individually.
c)      Individual interaction
The example of individual student interaction are also can ask a question individually to the teacher out of the class, students complete assignments individually.
Determination of the type of interaction is related to the learning methods used. For example discussion with the student directed learning methods for using discuss interaction, with Expository teaching methods directed students to Interact in large groups (classes).
b.     Awareness of time
Learning mathematics are always need of innovation, so there are 3 times the awareness that we must have is the past, present, and future. From the past we can learn from the learning activities we have done so now and in the future we can design better learning activities, that is learning by doing innovation.
c.      Educational Facilities
Learning facilities are instrumental teaching and learning activities. Learning facilities including the facilities and places of learning, learning resources (books, internet, libraries, laboratories, etc.).
d.     Teaching Media
In Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas,  said that so if  you have the props, then let me be able to use it and do not you just put in front of  the class. The purpose of developing and implementing Various media / teaching aids are:
• To Provide variety of activity.
• To Provide variety of learning methods.
• To Provide variety of contexts and learning atmosphere.
Then the obstacles of developing and implementing Various media / teaching aids are:
• Wasting a lot of time.
• Require creativity and skill of teacher.
• Require more cost.
• Require a commitment of the school.
A teaching aid is something a classroom teacher uses in her class to help students improv and other reading skills, reinforce a skill, or to the make learning fun. There some examples of teaching aid: handouts, flipcharts, posters, diagrams, tables, or a graph, cubes, pattern blocks, plastic money, die, coin, videos, DVDs and audio tapes, etc.
e.      Teaching Method
The purpose of presenting a variety of teaching methods and Their Application in learning is for teachers and prospective teachers have a broad knowledge of teaching methods and have the skills to apply them in learning. Knowing the advantages and Disadvantages of each method of learning is Very Important That a teacher or prospective teacher can apply the right method for learning material, in the achievement of student competencies. There are Several Kinds of teaching methods, Including:
a.       Lecture Methods
Lecture method is a method of using oral delivery to a number of listeners in the delivery of content. Listeners can perform recording / summarizing information provided by the speaker. The characteristics of this method is to use one-way communication, that is communication from speaker to listener. When applied in learning, this method uses the principle of teachers as the only source of learning of the charge transfer / giving knowledge to students without student involvement (student as passive Learners). In Addition this method is also more rote respect in understanding the material (rote learning) it is this the which Causes no sense (meaning) to the student (ET Ruseffendi, 1980:168). Pros and cons Arise Concerning the application of this method. But the actual lecture method Remains to be done if for (ETRuseffendi, 1980: 170):
a) The Aims is to Provide information
b) The material has not been Presented found in other sources
c) The material has been Presented adjusted and planned in a special way According to the ability of the WHO group will receive it.
d) The material interesting or made interesting.
b.   Expository method
The Expository Difference method with lecture method is the dominance of many teachers in the Expository method reduced / not too dominant. Teachers do not keep talking, whether the student understands or not, but the teacher Gives information only to Certain parts only. After the teacher Gives information to students by lecturing, planting concepts and demonstrate something, the teacher Gives a few quick questions or a simple problem That AIMS to check and determine the level of student understanding in capturing the learning topics That have been described by teachers. According to some studies and beliefs of teaching and learning theorists Expository way this is a great way to teach the most effective and efficient (FH Bell, ET Wm.C.Brown in Ruseffenddi, 1980: 172).
c.     Discussion Method
In the Expository method and lecture method students act as teachers listeners the information provided by teacher, or it can be said of communication used is one-way communication (Between teachers and students). This is the past time of model how to teach. At the present time has been Widely available source of knowledge to be gained by the students, so students have a reference and guidance on topics That will be delivered teacher. So the teacher is Able to apply the discussion method is a communication method uses a lot of That direction. In the method of discussion on the other hand led to at least some element of learning (thinking concepts, attitudes) presumably arises from the group Itself, not from the teacher (Ausubel and Robinson, in Ruseffendi ET: 1980: 184). In the discussion the students are required to Participate actively, that is with the courage to express his opinion in front of friends and teachers, students can accustomed to think critically, learn to respect the opinions of others, and develop knowledge through sharing with friends with a group, different groups or with the help of teachers (teacher helps the implementation of discussion).
d.    Demonstration Method
Demonstration method is teacher-centered methods. Only students more INVOLVED in the learning process. In this case the teacher show / demonstrate ability to teach. For example demonstrates the reduction of the formula, the evidence of the formula, the idea of ​​problem solving (problem solving), etc ..
e.    Game Method
Game method is defined as the methods teachers use to deliver the learning materials through a variety of games. Use this method is usually intended to the make students more interested and enthusiastic in participating in every stage of learning. Teachers should be Able to choose all Kinds / models of games That can stimulate students to easily learn and understand the topic of learning. Examples of the use of this method is when teachers teach the concept of Addition and subtraction using snake ladder game. Namely the concept of Addition of the tower is described as the road advances, while the withdrawal of the tower is described as the concept of reduction.
f.      Study Tour methods
Field trip (study tour) is an activity is usually interpreted as That outing (do not do scientific Things). Study tour learning methods is a method performed by the teacher to invite students go directly to the field (the streets while learning).  To apply this method should take Several teacher Including steps, preparation. Preparations include the general purpose, preparation, preparation of issues to be studied / Examined, determining the right place, using Various instruments (due to the activities conducted classes), divide large groups into smaller groups, determine the Appropriate time.

g.    Discovery Method
Discovery method is a method of learning in the which the invention is not construed as a genuine discovery, Because what he found was already found someone. In this method the teacher does not merely Provide knowledge to students, but teachers Could lead to the invention provides the steps That must be students, for students to learn independently and use critical thinking, rigorous and innovative. In this method is very Necessary to students a worksheet containing measures or stimulus (the idea of ​​teachers) so students can solve That math problems or to discover something new in the scheme thinking. Having students work in groups is another way a teacher can direct a lesson.
h.    Collaborating method 
Collaborating allows students to talk with each other and listen to all points of view in the discussion. It helps students think in a less personally biased way. When this lesson plan is Carried out, the teacher may be Trying to assess the lesson by looking at the student's: ability to work as a team, leadership skills, presentation or Abilities. It is one of the direct instructional methods. Collaborating (kinesthetic) That is great in it allows to Participate actively in the learning process.
i.      E-learning 
Teaching learning of mathematics can be done via the internet method  like posting articles or task in your blog, sent to teacher by e-mail task, study by facebook, tweeter, or the other social network. We can also search so many reference books or from internet. Now, if teacher can not teach the student face to face, he / she can give some material via his / her blog or website.
f.         Psylogical Aspects
Marsigit in Mathematics Syllabus Guidelines for Development of Special Competency-Based High School Students (SMU) / State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) said the student will learn mathematics  if they have the motivation. With motivation, students have the awareness and curiosity the topic that will be studied.

g.      Lesson Plan and Syllabi
According to the Guidelines for Developing Curriculum by BSNP, syllabi is on a learning plan and / or groups of subjects / themes That include specific standards of competence, basic competence, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators of achievement of competencies for assessment, allocation of time, and resources to learn.
h.     Student Worksheet
Student worksheet (LKS) is one of the tools of learning mathematics is quite Important and is expected to help Learners discover and develop mathematical concepts. The Benefits of Student Worksheet (LKS) . According to (Marsigit;2002;Persoalan Pembelajaran). Manfaat pengembangan alat peraga dan media pendidikan :
a.         memberikan variasi kegiatan
b.        memberikan variasi metode pembelajaran
c.         memberikan variasi konteks dan suasana pembelajaran
d.        memperperjelas pemahaman konsep
Hambatan atau kendala pengembangan alat peraga dan media
Pendidikan :
a.       alat peraga tidak terlalu relevan untuk beberapa materi pembelajaran matematika di SMU.
b.      penggunaan alat peraga menyita bayak waktu
c.       memerlukan kerampilan dan kreativitas guru untuk mengembangkan alat peraga dan media pendidikan
d.      memerlukan tambahan biaya untuk alat peraga dan biaya yang tinggi untuk pengembangan alat peraga
e.       memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi bagi sekolah
f.        belum sesuai dengan paradigma pembelajaran yang berlaku

i.         Assessment
Assessment (assessment) is the application of a variety of Airways and use Various assessment tools to Obtain information about the extent to the which Learners learning outcomes or achievement of competence (the ability of the circuit) Learners.
j.        Teaching Learning Resources
Source of learning not only books, but it may be environmental conditions and facts which occurred in life around. For example in the topic of reading data in the form of bar charts and line, students are invited to study visits to offices / agencies that have data in the form of line diagrams.
k.     Technology
In addition to books, other learning resources is the internet, blogs, email, electronic mail and other things that take advantage of technology. A teacher must utilize and keep up with technology in order to menagadakan innovative learning activities and develop.
C.      Reference
Marsigit. 2003. Pedoman Khusus Pengembangan Silabus Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU)/ Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN).

Marsigit. 2011. Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas. Accesed by

            Panduan Penyusunan KTSP.2006.BSNP:Jakarta

Ruseffendi,E.T. 1980. Seri Kelima Pengajaran Matematika Modern. Tarsito:Bandung

Thérèse Dooley. 2007. Construction of Knowledge By Primary Pupils :The Role Of Whole-Class Interaction. Accesed by at October 15 2011.