By: Drs Marsigit MA
By: Drs Marsigit MA
Reviewed by : Eka Sulistyawati
A. Preface
Managing the learning is not easy because we find that sometimes students have difficulty in learning (Jaworski,1994: 83). Therefore, he stated that there is no right way to teach. On the other hand found the fact that it is not easy for teacher to change the style of teaching (Dean, 1982: 32). While we prosecuted, as teacher, to always adjust teaching methods us in accordance with the demands of changing times (Alexander, 1994: 20).
Judging from the focus, there are at least 4 (four) different views learning how should it be implemented (Kuhs and Ball, 1986 in Grouws, 1992):
Managing the learning is not easy because we find that sometimes students have difficulty in learning (Jaworski,1994: 83). Therefore, he stated that there is no right way to teach. On the other hand found the fact that it is not easy for teacher to change the style of teaching (Dean, 1982: 32). While we prosecuted, as teacher, to always adjust teaching methods us in accordance with the demands of changing times (Alexander, 1994: 20).
Judging from the focus, there are at least 4 (four) different views learning how should it be implemented (Kuhs and Ball, 1986 in Grouws, 1992):
1. The group that believes that learning should be emphasized understanding the material (content focused – conceptual understanding);
2. Groups who argue that learning needs to be prioritize the learning outcomes (content focus - performance);
3. The group that believes that learning should learner-centric subjects, so that they can develop and build knowledge (learner focus - construction);
4. The group that believes that learning should starting from the planning of classroom management that is conducive to learning (classroom focused - effective classroom
In promotion of learning innovation Cocroft Report (1982: 132) recommends that at every level education, learning should provide opportunities for teachers to using the choice of teaching methods are adjusted to the level students' abilities as follows:exposition method by the teacher; discussion method, between teachers and students and between students and students; problems solving method;discovery (investigation) method; basic training skills and principles method; application method
B. Innovation Learning Through Development Curriculum
Base Competency education (Curriculum 2004) has now become alternative to conducting an emphasis on learning that should be possessed ability by graduates; this curriculum developed based on the elaboration of standards competence to be basic skills. Standard of competence is an ability that can performed or displayed in the learning, whereas the basic skills is a minimal ability in subjects that must be owned
by students. Basic skills can be affective abilities, cognitive and psychomotor.
Breath of competency-based curriculum is on developing learn first-hand experience, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills (life skills) either in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, skills
academic skills and abilities). All abilities / competencies developed was assessed by the principles of assessment / authentic assessment not only on memory and comprehension level but up to the application.
Base Competency education (Curriculum 2004) has now become alternative to conducting an emphasis on learning that should be possessed ability by graduates; this curriculum developed based on the elaboration of standards competence to be basic skills. Standard of competence is an ability that can performed or displayed in the learning, whereas the basic skills is a minimal ability in subjects that must be owned
by students. Basic skills can be affective abilities, cognitive and psychomotor.
Breath of competency-based curriculum is on developing learn first-hand experience, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills (life skills) either in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, skills
academic skills and abilities). All abilities / competencies developed was assessed by the principles of assessment / authentic assessment not only on memory and comprehension level but up to the application.
C. The nature of the students
1. Aspects Cognitive
a. Pupils will learn if they have the motivation
b. Pupils studying in its own way
c. Students learn both independently and through cooperation with friend
d. Pupils need the context and circumstances that variety in learning.
2. Affective Aspects Hierarchy
According Krathwhol attitude aspect appears when there is a commitment , preferences value, receiving the value, satisfaction and willingness to respond to respond from someone. The process of internalization occurs when aspects of these taxonomic together hierarchically.
According Krathwhol attitude aspect appears when there is a commitment , preferences value, receiving the value, satisfaction and willingness to respond to respond from someone. The process of internalization occurs when aspects of these taxonomic together hierarchically.
3. Psychomotor developmental aspects
In this activity students are given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability and skills do physical activities such as painting the triangle, painting square, circular painting, etc.. To determine the skill level of students, assessor can use the observation sheet.
In this activity students are given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability and skills do physical activities such as painting the triangle, painting square, circular painting, etc.. To determine the skill level of students, assessor can use the observation sheet.
D. Conclusion: (Changes paradigm of learning required)
In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realize the paradigm shift as follows:
from the "traditional learning" to "progressive learning"
In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realize the paradigm shift as follows:
from the "traditional learning" to "progressive learning"
a. Teacher Centered to Student Centered
b. Development of transmission of knowledge to cognition development.
c. Authoritarian to Democratic
d. Passive Students to Active Students
e. Individual Service to class service
f. Uniformity to Recognition Differences
g. Exposition, lecture to discussion, the variation method, and etc.
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