Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP
By : Dr.Marsigit, M.A
Departement of mathematics Education, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Yogyakarta
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
A. Preface
By Microsoft Office 2007 we can develop learning goemetri at school. Microsoft Office 2007 is completed by SmartArt Graphic so the users can create different kinds of graphs. By SmartArt graphics tools we can create a variety of model dimensional geometry of 2 dimension or 3. With SmartArt graphics devices we can also doing animation on the model and add text for explanation of kinds image.
Basic forms of geometry model can be obtained from the menu “Insert” by selecting sub-menu “Shapes”
Basic model of geometry is available on the menu “Basic Shapes”
To draw an object using SmartArt graphics, clich on “Insert” then click on “SmartArt”.
Then in the dialog box click the layout we want. Color selection can be done by clicking the “Design” and click "Change Color". For simplicity of drawing model geometry. May also be using the help menu “Help”. To change size of an object can be done by click “Format” then click “SmartArt Tool” and “Shapes” . To draw a three dimensional of model geometry or space model we use the Format Object (3-D Format Pane). Three dimensional geometry can be made with pay attention to the upper side, the base side, high, width and length. For that use the commands “Top” for the upper hand, “Width” for width, “Height” to high, “Bottom” for the base. To assign a color to use command “Contours”. Rotate the object can be done by selecting objects and pressing CTRL key.
B. Developing Goemetry Learning Media in Junior High School
By utilizing the various facilities in Microsoft Office 2007, we can develop Geometry Learning Media in junior high school. Geometry learning media in junior high school is an elaboration of the implications of Competency Standar (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) as follows. In particular, the students junior high school Standar Competence related to geometric capabilities can be mentioned as follows.
1. Understanding the relationship line to line, line to angle, angle to angle, and determine the size.
2. Understanding the concept of a rectangle and triangle and determine its size.
3. Using the Pythagorean Theorem in problem solving.
4. Determining element, the circle and its size.
5. Understanding the properties of the cube, beam, prism, pyramid, and its parts, and determine measure ot them.
6. Understanding unvarying flat model and its use in problem solving.
7. Understanding the properties of tubes, cones and balls, as well as determine the size.
a. Poligon, tangram, and floortile
Basic model geometry can be obtained from the menu “AutoShapes” to click “Drawing Toolbar”. The models can be made by copying and fill color and can be made circular movements with “Free Rotate Tool”. Tp get menu “Drawing” open the window of “View” then click “Drawing”. The basic geometry model can be obtained from the “Basic Shapes” windows by pull or dragged into destination.
Variations steps can be performed for example, after drawing the basic geometry model, click on it, the click “Format”, “AutoShape”,”Size” and rotate model with the desired swivel angle.
b. Triangle and Quadrilateral
Types of triangles in terms of anngles including acute triangle, obtuse triangle and right triangle. Acute triangle, if the three angle is less than 90 degrees, obtuse triangle if one angle is an obtuse angle more than 90 degrees, right triangle if one right angles corners or same as 90 degrees.
Teacher can develop an electronic students worksheet, example by giving opportunity for students to draw a variety of forms triangle models with different size on the sides and its angle.
c. Model Space
Regular space model can be obtained by drawing flat model a lot of flat facet (polygon) by selecting “3D” then flat model a flat shaped polygon can be converted to the space model. To make longer prism, click the prism then select the setting “3-D”. We can rotate the prism by clicking on “Rotation Tool”
Something similar can be done to get the prism with square base, of rectangle, triangles, pentagons. Hexagons, and so on.
d. Volume and Surface Area
To determine the volume of prism, the prism can be shown pictures and details drawing, as follows :
“autoShapes” to make the basic model geometry as the base prism desired. “3-D” to obtain the desired prism. Desires rotation tool. “textboxes” to write description about the dimensions of the prism. Begin from prism with base side of pentagons until be able to tube with h (high of tube) and the base sides are circle.
e. Geometry Transformation Model
The base model can be shifted without changing the shape and size by performing “dragged”. Flat model rotation at a point can be done by clicking it, then select the icon “Rotation”. Reflection of a model on an axis can be done using the command “Rotate” or “Flip”. Choose the “Flip Horizontal” or “Flip Vertical”.
Dilatation of an object is enlarged or dislarged. Dilatation can be performed by combination or pressing the “Shift” while performing “dragged” at one end of the model.
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