By : Dr. Marsigit
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
Research is an activity to get knowledge called science, do with certain procedures that are systematic and supported by a methodology is an assessment of the rules in his method. As innovative teacher or prospective teacher of mathematics are required to always perform discussion of how we get knowledge about learning mathematics in accordance with current trends.
Approach to mathematics education research can be done with various ways including quantitative research. Quantitative research studies of learning mathematics rely on the scientific method to find rules, laws and principles about the reality of learning mathematics in school. Quantitative research considers that learning mathematics are objective and measurable. Experiments can be done by manipulating variables that can be measured quantitatively in order to look for relationships between different variables of teaching and learning mathematics. In quantitative researchers are neutral and only examined the symptoms that can be observed and measured by a valid and reliable instrument. Quantitative research using logiko-hypothetico-verivikatif method in the framework of thinking, with sequential steps as follows: determination of the problem-formulation of hypotheses about aspects of teaching and learning mathematics; collection of data about the practice of teaching mathematics: analysis of data; testing hypotheses; conclusions; writing reports, and complete.
a. Penenlitian As Hermenitik Activities
Hermenitik circle in mathematics education research provide full awareness of the researchers that the learning of mathematics and its components are not is sterile, but are related or connected with various aspects and contexts learning both at a time when the past and at present time is the time for ongoing learning. Awareness hermenitik preparing teachers as researchers to use the findings in the present to be used for improvements or suggestions for learning activities in next time.
If the researchers directed attention to specific things and try to reveal phenomena or symptoms of learning mathematics as a real world that can determined by the theories or particular methods; later researchers developed research methods then our hermenitik are realistic.
The Effort to uncovering phenomenon of mathematics learning that learning mathematics as a real world to save a lot of mystery. Humans or the teacher is limited to figure it out, but teachers need to try to get a picture of the world of learning mathematics by doing immediately deconstruction of the world that confronted the world of mathematics education. This Hermenitik be deconstructive.
If the researchers directed attention to specific things and try to reveal phenomena or symptoms of learning mathematics as a real world that can determined by the theories or particular methods; later researchers developed research methods then our hermenitik are realistic.
The Effort to uncovering phenomenon of mathematics learning that learning mathematics as a real world to save a lot of mystery. Humans or the teacher is limited to figure it out, but teachers need to try to get a picture of the world of learning mathematics by doing immediately deconstruction of the world that confronted the world of mathematics education. This Hermenitik be deconstructive.
b. The scope of mathematics education research
The scope of mathematics education research can be derived from the encouragement by researchers to reform mathematics education; in which it was realized that innovation mathematics education can be sourced to the conceptual factors, values, pragmatic, empirical and politically.
The scope of mathematics education research can be derived from the encouragement by researchers to reform mathematics education; in which it was realized that innovation mathematics education can be sourced to the conceptual factors, values, pragmatic, empirical and politically.
c. Reserch Model
Judging from the practice of leraning mathematics then at least there are two main factors
namely the practice of learning itself and the factor value or values. If researchers want to improve learning mathematics in the field of content or learning materials, the researcher can make the observation of students when studying mathematics. If researchers want repair or wish to acquire an innovative method of learning mathematics, the researcher pay attention the context need to learn mathematics, methods are used by teacher and management of learning mathematics.
Judging from the practice of leraning mathematics then at least there are two main factors
namely the practice of learning itself and the factor value or values. If researchers want to improve learning mathematics in the field of content or learning materials, the researcher can make the observation of students when studying mathematics. If researchers want repair or wish to acquire an innovative method of learning mathematics, the researcher pay attention the context need to learn mathematics, methods are used by teacher and management of learning mathematics.
III. The nature of school mathematics and Implications for Mathematics Education Research.
Mathematics as patterns and relationships search activity, the implications of this view to the study of mathematics learning is the teacher needs to: (1) gives opportunity for students to conduct discovery activity and investigation patterns for determine the relationship, (2) provide an opportunity for students to perform experiments with various ways, (3) encourage students to discover the existence of the order, difference, comparison, grouping, etc., (4) encourage students to draw general conclusions, (5) help students understand and find the relationship between understanding one another. Mathematics as creativity requires imagination, intuition and invention, which implies from this view of research and learning of mathematics is the teacher needs to: (1) encouraging initiatives and give students the opportunity to think differently, (2) encourage curiosity, desire to ask, denied the ability and the ability estimates, (3) appreciate unexpected discoveries as beneficial rather than take it as errors, (4) encourage students to discover the structure and design of mathematics, (5) encourage students appreciate the discovery of another student, (6) encourage students to think reflexive, and (7) does not recommend only using one method.
Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving), which implies of research and learning of mathematics is the teacher needs to: (1) provide an environment mathematics learning that stimulates the emergence of mathematical problems, (2) help students solve math problems using his own way, (3) help students learn information needed to solve mathematical problems, (4) encourage students to think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records, (5) develop the ability and skills to solve problems, (6) help students knowing how and when to use various teaching aids such as: compass, ruler, calculator, etc.. Mathematics as a tool to communicate, which implications for research and learning of mathematics is the teacher needs to: (1) encouraging students recognize the properties of mathematics, (2) encourage students to make an example of the nature of mathematics, (3) encourage students to explain the properties of mathematics, (4) encourage students to give reasons for mathematical activities, (5) encourage students to discuss mathematical problems, (6) encouraging students read and write mathematics, (7) respect for the mother tongue of students in discussing mathematics.
Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving), which implies of research and learning of mathematics is the teacher needs to: (1) provide an environment mathematics learning that stimulates the emergence of mathematical problems, (2) help students solve math problems using his own way, (3) help students learn information needed to solve mathematical problems, (4) encourage students to think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records, (5) develop the ability and skills to solve problems, (6) help students knowing how and when to use various teaching aids such as: compass, ruler, calculator, etc.. Mathematics as a tool to communicate, which implications for research and learning of mathematics is the teacher needs to: (1) encouraging students recognize the properties of mathematics, (2) encourage students to make an example of the nature of mathematics, (3) encourage students to explain the properties of mathematics, (4) encourage students to give reasons for mathematical activities, (5) encourage students to discuss mathematical problems, (6) encouraging students read and write mathematics, (7) respect for the mother tongue of students in discussing mathematics.
IV. Conclusions and Suggestions
If we want teachers of mathematics education reform is the research. More specifically, before learning of mathematics held the teachers should do the following as a preparatory step:
Planning for mathematics learning environment
- Determine the necessary teaching resources
- Plan activities that are flexible
- Plan the physical environment of learning mathematics.
- Involve students in creating mathematical learning environment.
Develop students' social environment
- Plan activities to work together.
- Encourage students to appreciate each other.
- Browse the feelings of students about mathematics
- To develop mathematical models.
Plan mathematical activities
- Plan mathematical activities are balanced in terms of: material,
time, trouble, activities, etc..
- Plan mathematical activities that are open-ended
- Plan activities according to students' abilities.
- Development of mathematical topics.
- Build mental math.
- When and where help students?
- Use a variety of teaching brag (books vary).
If we want teachers of mathematics education reform is the research. More specifically, before learning of mathematics held the teachers should do the following as a preparatory step:
Planning for mathematics learning environment
- Determine the necessary teaching resources
- Plan activities that are flexible
- Plan the physical environment of learning mathematics.
- Involve students in creating mathematical learning environment.
Develop students' social environment
- Plan activities to work together.
- Encourage students to appreciate each other.
- Browse the feelings of students about mathematics
- To develop mathematical models.
Plan mathematical activities
- Plan mathematical activities are balanced in terms of: material,
time, trouble, activities, etc..
- Plan mathematical activities that are open-ended
- Plan activities according to students' abilities.
- Development of mathematical topics.
- Build mental math.
- When and where help students?
- Use a variety of teaching brag (books vary).
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