Jumat, 23 September 2011


By       : Drs.Marsigit,M.A.
Reviewed By  : Eka Sulistyawati
I.                   INTRODUCTION
Mathematics teachers generally find difficult to handle differences in mathematical abilities of their students. Plowden Report (1976) in (Delamont, 1987, p. 48) describe the characteristics of traditional learning and progressive as follows:

Characteritics of Traditional Teaching are :
1.      Separated subject
2.      Teacher as distributors of knowledge.
3.      Passive pupil role
4.      Pupils have no say in curriculum planning
5.      Accent on memory, practice and rote.
6.      External rewards used, for example, grades, i.e. extrinsic motivation.
7.      Teachers give highest priority to academic Attainmen.
8.      Regular testing
9.      Accent on competition.
10.  Little emphasis on creative expression
And the characteristics of Progressive Teaching are :
1.      Integrated subject matter
2.      Teacher as guide to educational experiences.
3.      Active pupil role
4.      Pupils participate in curriculum planning
5.      Learning predominantly by discovery techniques.
6.      External rewards and punishment not necessary i.e intrinsic motivation
7.      Teacher give high priority to social and emotional development
8.      Little testing
9.      Accent on cooperative group work
10.  Accent on creative expression.


Planning and development curriculum is a job that require in-depth and comprehensive study to meet the eligibility requirements. Six basic principles must be considered in development of mathematics syllabus based on competence, that are: (1) learning opportunities for all subjects without unless, (2) curriculum is not merely a collection of teaching materials but can reflect a coherent mathematical activities, (3) the learning of mathematics requires an understanding of student learning needs, readiness to learn and service learning facilities, (4) the opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to construct structures and concepts through knowledge
and experience, (5) need of assessment activities to increase quality of learning from time to time, and (6) utilization of a variety of strategies and learning methods dynamically and flexibly in accordance with the material, students and learning context.

Teaching  mathematics  is not easy because the facts show that the students experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics (Jaworski, 1994). Ebbutt Straker (1995: 10-63) defines the mathematical school, here in after referred to as mathematics, as follows:
1.      Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
2.      Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
3.      Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving)
4.      Mathematics as a tool to communicate

Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gave his view that in order for the potential students can be optimally developed, assumptions about the characteristics of learners and  implications for learning mathematics are given as follows:
1.      The students will learn mathematics if they have motivation
The implications of this view for business teachers are: (1) provide activities that
fun, (2) pay attention to the desire of students, (3) build understanding through
what is known by students, (4) creating a classroom atmosphere that supports the learning activities, (5) provide activities that correspond with learning objectives, (6) providing challenging activities, (7) provide activities that give expectations of success, (8) respect for each student achievement.
2.      Students learn mathematics in its own way
The implications of this view are: (1) students learn in different ways and
with different speeds, (2) each student needs own experience who requires
connected with his experiences in the past, (3) every student has a different background socio-economic-cultures.
3.      Students learn mathematics either independently or through collaboration with his friend
4.      Students need the context and different situation in learning mathematics

In practice of learning there is awareness by teachers that there is a relationship between objective knowledge and subjective knowledge of mathematics, as well as measures enkulturisasi. Through "social negotiation processes "then the reconstruction of learning mathematics in its enkulturisasi, shows a very clear process that new knowledge about mathematics "new knowledge "can be in the social sphere or are in the scope of the individual. The new mathematics knowledge in the social sphere, and thus is objective and new knowledge on the scope of individual will is subjective. Thus, social interaction in learning mathematics becomes very important for closer to the subjective knowledge of algebra to the objective knowledge.

For all levels of education, learning mathematics materials including (Ebbutt and Straker, 1995):

a.       Facts (facts), including information, names, terms and conventions
b.      Understanding (concepts), includes building a sense of structure, understanding the role of structure, conservation, set, patterns relationship, sequence, models, operations, and algorithms.
c.       Reasoning skills, including understanding the sense, logical thinking, understand the negative examples, think of deduction, systematic thinking, thinking consistent, draw conclusions, determine the method, making reasons, and determine the strategy.
d.      Algorithmic skills, including: follow the steps made others, made an informal step, determining step, using the steps, explaining step, defining the steps
so that others can understand, compare various measures, and adjust measures.
e.       Mathematical problem-solving skills (problem-solving) include: understanding the issues, discuss alternatives solution, breaking the main problem into small pieces, simplify the problem, using past experience and using intuition, to find alternative solutions, tried various ways, work systematically, noting what occurs, check the results with repeated-measures stride, and try to understand the other question.
f.       Skills investigation (investigation), including: ask questions and determine how to obtain it, make and test hypotheses, determine the appropriate information and explain why certain information is needed and how get it, collecting and collating and processing information systematically, grouping criteria, sort and compare; try alternative methods, recognize patterns and relations, and concludes.

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