By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by : Eka Sulistyawati
A. Preface
It is the time that Indonesia was reexamine the paradigm of development. Education can provide a foundation for the development of the noble values of the legal reform, political, economic, cultural and others. Reform in education is a claim that can not be bargained.
B. Are reforms in all fields needed?
The reform movement in Indonesia is an anticlimax of a state where moral values in the political, legal, social, economic decline very sharply in a period of more than three decades. Powerlessness of the community in various aspects is immediate implications of the deflection direction of development that makes the people only as objects and not as subjects.
1. Have sufficient education reform?
At the macro level, the picture of the education system still shows characteristics of a rigid centralism, with a very strong dominance of bureaucracy, so that at every level of education stagnation. Creativity or improvisation towards innovation is very difficult to do because the systems of national education tends to follow the guidelines from above. Our education system today is also still closed, so fertilize corruption and collusion practice; such event was marked by placement of educational officials is not based on professionalism and educational backgrounds, but based on collusion. On the other hand, various reports of education from within and outside the country is implicitly mentioned the failure of the Indonesian government in providing education. Indonesia ranks only 105 of 174 countries in terms of its HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. On the micro level, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead the government in implementing education policies. However, the importance the teacher's role has not been matched by an awareness of government to empower them. Research by the author in schools (Marsigit, 1996) suggests that teachers preferred to apply the method of learning as directed the Headmaster, School Supervisors rather than experimenting or trying various other ways, it more to provide security and peace for them. Education is a conscious effort to develop the knowledge, skills and personality of the students. In the short term, education is the learning process in class; in the medium term education means students complete the subject development;in the long run. education is a cultural phenomenon involving the values moral, aesthetic and cultural. New educational reform towards New Indonesia should be able to see the whole of the context above so as to provide fresh air and new horizons for the entire educational component. The most fundamental problem in education reform in Indonesia is that the parties involved in the education not have a clear picture of what the meaning of reform and how reform must be done. If so then we easily get stuck to the provision of meaning and direction of reforms to things that are purely technical. In order for the reform movement in Indonesia can see the purpose in the future and stop the policy of mismanagement and abuse of power in an arbitrary manner we need to hold a reshuffle completely from a system in all aspects of life including education. The National Education Reform should be able to reflect on the past, present, and future situation. Past and present of our National Education has trapped into the life of an oppressive system that has been confined in the paradigms are subject to authoritarian rule and make a fool of the people (Tilaar, 1999: 17).
2. Paradigm of education reform
Trend in global educational issues to the conclusion that the present era and the future era is the mastery of science era, technology, especially informatics and communications technologies.
Traditional Learning characteristic
a. National nature (centralized)
b. Provide education of the brain
c. Stresses rote
d. Education for children who are good at
e. Delivering culture 6. Students are passive (listen)
f. Lesson. The lesson combined
g. The text book oriented
h. Assess students based on the job
i. Lessons are abstract (lecture)
Progressive Learning (Innovative) Characteristic
a. regional characteristics (autonomy) adopted
b. Provide a rounded education (Physical, rokhaniah, social, emotional and also intellectual)
c. Educating for solving problems life
d. For all children
e. Participated in the acculturation
f. Students are active
g. mutually exclusive
h. Oriented to life
i. Using a variety of ways to assess student
j. Develop teaching aids
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