Sabtu, 26 November 2011


By: Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
I.                   Basis juridical KTSP
In implementing of Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, the government established the Ministry of Education Regulation About the National Content Standards for Primary and Secondary Education Unit No. 22 In 2006. It was mentioned that the Content Standard for Basic Education unit and Medium hereinafter referred to as Content Standards include a minimum scope and level of material minimum competence to achieve minimum competency on the level and type of certain education. Content Standards are listed in Appendix referred to Rules The Minister. Furthermore, the implementation Minister of National  Education Regulation  No. 22 of 2006 and Number 23 year 2006 set by the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 of 2006. In this rule stated that:
a.       Unit of primary and secondary education develop and establish curriculum level of the education of primary and secondary education units as required concerned.
b.      Unit of primary and secondary education can develop curriculum with higher standard of Content Standard.
c.       Development and establishment of basic education curriculum unit level primary education and secondary education attention to guide the preparation of unit level education curriculum composed National Education Standards Agency (BSNP).
d.      Unit of primary and secondary education may adopt or adapt the model curriculum unit level primary and secondary education compiled by BSNP.
e.       The curriculum of primary and secondary education units established by the unit head primary and secondary education after taking into consideration of the Committee School or Committee School of Islam.
f.       Schools can apply the KTSP begin the academic year 2006/2007.
g.      The school curriculum implemented at the latest academic year 2009/2010.
h.      Schools that have conducted trials of the 2004 curriculum as a whole can implement a comprehensive curriculum for all grade level beginning in 2006/2007, etc.
II.                KTSP  floating GUIDES
A.    General
KTSP  was developed based on the following principles:
a.       centered on the potential, development, needs and interests of learners and
its environment.
b.      diverse and integrated
c.       responsive to the development of science, technology and art.
d.      relevant to the needs of life
e.       comprehensive and sustainable
f.       lifelong learning
g.      balance between national interests and regional interests
B.     Component KTSP
a.       Educational Objectives Unit Level Education
b.      Operational Reference KTSP
c.       The structure and curriculum content
1)      The subjects of religion and noble character
2)      The subject of citizenship and personality
3)      The subjects of Science and Technology
4)      The aesthetic subjects
5)      The physical subjects, sports and health
Level of the education curriculum includes a number of subjects breadth and depth is the burden of learning for students in the unit of education. In addition, the substance of local and self-development activities
included in the curriculum content.
1.       Subject
2.      Local Content
3.      Development Activities
4.      Load Settings Learning
III.             Developing Syllabus Framework in KTSP
Syllabus is an elaboration of standards of competence and basic competences in subject matter, learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competencies for the assessment. There are many of Principles of Development Syllabus Syllabus developed by the principle: Scientific, Relevant, Systematic, consistent, Adequate, Actual and Contextual, Flexible, and Comprehensive
A.    Syllabus Development Steps
1. Assessing the Standard Competence and Basic Competence
a.       sequence based on the concept hierarchy of disciplines and / or level difficulty of material;
b.      linkages between standards of competence and basic competence in the subject lessons;
c.       standards of competence and competency linkages between subject lesson.
2.      Identifying Main Content
Identify subject matter that supports the achievement of standards competence and basic competence consider to: the level physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual learners; usefulness for learners; structure of science: depth and breadth materials; relevance to the needs of learners and the demands of the environment and time allocation
3.      Developing Learning Experience
The learning experience is a mental and physical activities are performed learners interact with learning resources through the approach variety of learning and enable learners
4.      Formulate Indicators of Success Learning
Indicators are descriptions of the basic competencies that show signs, actions and / or response carried or displayed by the learner.
5.      Determination of Types of Assessment
Achievement Assessment of basic competencies of learners based on the indicator. Assessment is done by using tests and non-test in form of written or oral, observation of performance, attitude, assessment work a project or product, the use of portfolios, and self-assessment.
6.      Determining the Time Allocation
7.      Determining the Source of Learning

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