By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
A. Preface
Six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competence, namely: (1) learning opportunities for all learning subjects without exception, (2) curriculum is not merely a collection teaching materials but may reflect a coherent mathematical activities, (3) mathematics learning requires an understanding of students learning needs, learning readiness and service learning facilities, (4) opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to build the structure concepts through knowledge and experience, (5) the need for assessment activities to improve the quality of learning from time to time, and (6) utilization of various learning strategies and methods dynamically and flexible in accordance with the material, students and the learning context. Breath of curriculum based competency is the development of a learning experience first hand, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills) . All skills / competencies that are developed with the principle of assessed valuation / assessment an authentic not only on memory and comprehension level but up to the application.
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63) defines school mathematics,then referred to as math, as follows:
1. Mathematics as patterns search activity and relationships
1. Mathematics as patterns search activity and relationships
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
3. Mathematics as problem-solving activities (problem solving)
4. Mathematics as a tool to communicate
a. Development of Cognitive Aspects
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gives his view that in order potential students can be optimally developed, assumptions about the characteristics subject students and implications for learning mathematics is given as the following:
1. Pupils will learn math if they have the motivation
2. Pupils learn mathematics in its own way
3. Pupils learn the math either independently or in collaboration with his friend
4. Pupils require a context and a different situation in studying mathematics
b. Affective Aspects Hirearki
Affective aspects of the category hierarchy according Krathwhol include receiving state (receiving), respond (responding), the formation of values (valuing), organization and characterization. According to Paul (1963:519) the attitude of an individual's readiness to
react so it relatively fixed dispositions that have been in have through experience that takes place on a regular basis and direction.
react so it relatively fixed dispositions that have been in have through experience that takes place on a regular basis and direction.
c. Psychomotor Aspects Developments
aspects of motor skills (performance) also has a role that is not less important to know the student's skills in solving problems. In this activity students are asked to demonstrate the capabilities and skills do physical activities such as painting a triangle, square painting, painting a circle, etc. To determine the skill level of students, evaluators can use the observation sheet.
D. Format and systematics Syllabus Based Competency
A. Syllabus Format
Format of the syllabus is a form of presentation of the syllabus content consists of
standards of competence, basic skills, learning materials, a description of learning matter, student learning experiences allocation of time, and reference sources used, whereas the systematic syllabus describes the sequence of presentation of the part of syllabus.
standards of competence, basic skills, learning materials, a description of learning matter, student learning experiences allocation of time, and reference sources used, whereas the systematic syllabus describes the sequence of presentation of the part of syllabus.
B. Syllabus Packaging
In accordance with these principles, subjects of mathematics packaging syllabus embodied in the form of print media and bound. To facilitate the use and dissemination, the syllabus may also form packaged in the form of computer files stored on a diskette.
a. philosophical study of the development of mathematics education, including is a compilation of scientific structure
b. described basic skills mastered at least junior high school students
c. Learning materials were developed based on the Basic Capabilities, and followed by a description of material and writing a Learning Experience
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