By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
A. Development of Mathematics Education
Becher and Maclure, (1978) refer to 2 (two) kinds of teachers in innovation
learning mathematics associated curriculum development. First, in the curriculum that is instrumental, the teacher's role is expressed as curriculum implementers, by developing the role of dominance towards learning mathematics in order to escort the students to achieve certain goals (Obtain diploma / looking for work); with the assumption that students (humans) can be manipulation / engineering in the education process. Second, in the curriculum that is Interactive / Individually, the role of teachers is expressed as a curriculum developer, with develop teacher functions as a serving / facilitator and assist the learning needs students; with the assumption that students should be given opportunities to express initiative and construct mathematical concepts in accordance with the speed and readiness of each student.
learning mathematics associated curriculum development. First, in the curriculum that is instrumental, the teacher's role is expressed as curriculum implementers, by developing the role of dominance towards learning mathematics in order to escort the students to achieve certain goals (Obtain diploma / looking for work); with the assumption that students (humans) can be manipulation / engineering in the education process. Second, in the curriculum that is Interactive / Individually, the role of teachers is expressed as a curriculum developer, with develop teacher functions as a serving / facilitator and assist the learning needs students; with the assumption that students should be given opportunities to express initiative and construct mathematical concepts in accordance with the speed and readiness of each student.
Characteristic of Traditional Mathematics Learning
1. Centrally mathematics
2. Provide brain education
3. Stresses rote
4. Education for clever children
5. Delivering culture
6. Students are passive (listen)
7. Lesson mutually exclusive.
8. Text book orientation
9. Assess students based on the job
10. Lessons are abstract (lecture)
11. Lessons with a classical
12. Formal lesson
Characterictic Learning Mathematics Progressive (Innovative)
1. Adopted regional characteristics (autonomy)
2. Provide a rounded education (Physical, rokhaniah, social, emotional and also intellectual)
3. Educating for solving problem life
4. For all children
5. Participated in the acculturation
6. Students are active
7. combined lesson
8. Life Oriented
9. Using a variety of way to assess student
10. Develop teaching aids
11. Not so formal
B. Exploring Mathematics values from different perspectives
Based on this division, we can divide mathematics activities into 4 (four) types, where each has different characteristics
a. pure- formal mathematics, including mathematics developed at the University and mathematics is taught in schools;
b. Formal-applied mathematics, namely that developed in education and outside, as
c. statistician who worked in the industry.
d. informal-pure mathematics, that is mathematics which developed outside the institution of education; may be attached to the pure mathematics culture.
e. informal- applied mathematics, that is mathematics is used in all life day-to-day, including crafts, office work and trade.
C. Mathematics Philosophical Value
1. Ontological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
2. Epistemological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
3. Axiological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
D. Towards a Global Era
There are various kinds of criteria concerning the global era. In the field of education the better the quality of mathematics and mathematics learning in era global can be developed through the realm of global curriculum and syllabus, educational abilities, readiness of supporting facilities, supporting books, the language of instruction (English),mathematics and intermathematics cooperation, confession from faith intitution,number and quality of graduate, etc. Concerning that base substantial abillity that are:paradigm development, mathematics essence views, school mathematics essence, students learning mathematics essence, learning method essence, learning resource essence, assesment essence, teacher can devoloping lesson plan, teacher can prepare learning mathematics area, teacher can prepare and use teaching aid for teaching learning mathematics.
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