Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

How To be Innovative Teacher

By Eka Sulistyawati (09301244002)
A.    Preface
Often we have the of good, bad, insufficient, lacking, far, near, home, campus criteria. Unconsciously we have a limiting criterion, but if asked we do not know the location, position, shape of the barrier. Just like our earth, the equator of the earth known as the northern border and south is really just an imaginary line just created and agreed upon by humans.
The illustration above can be attributed to learning illustration. Learning that is traditional and innovative learning. If asked, not everyone will admit that he is applying traditional learning methods or innovative. However, we can know its characteristics. Here are discussed the characteristics of traditional learning and the characteristics of innovative learning.
B.     Contents
If we compare two things, we can use limit criteria based on religion, phylosophy, paradigm, theories, design, schema, models, programs, activities, and example. for example, we can not see God (Allah SWT) but we can learn and know the nature divine through the creations, favors, and gift. In traditional learning, students are like the empty bottle ready filled with water (knowledge) from the faucet (the teacher), but the bottles have different sizes of holes. Teachers just do a transfer of knowledge without considering the initial conditions (mental, psikhis, cognitive) students. So that learning is thus, less wear when applied to all students with diverse abilities.
Unlike the innovative learning, teachers act as facilitators in charge of facilitating the students to grow and develop according to his ability.
(Sources: Marsigit. , 2004. Inovasi Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Gairah Siswa dalam Belajar" According Marsigit, for students feels  excited and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realize the paradigm as follows:
a.       Centralized  teacher to students Centralized
To be uncentralized teacher learning, teacher must make many course interaction, that is interaction between teacher and students, students and student, and teacher, students and learning environment. And the other teacher must applied teching method that is except ekspositori method and lecture methode, it is by applied such as :
a)    Demonstration method
b)    Discuss method
c)    Ask-question method
d)   Game method
e)    Study tour method
f)     Discovery method
g)    Problem solving method, and etc
b.      Transmission of knowledge to cognition development
guru just not as transfer knowledge but also teacher must be fasilitator, motivator for their students. One characteristic of innovation teacher is aware that their students are population with various kognitive. If a teacher has been aware it, teacher will choose learning method that can be applied to solve its variety, it is suggest that teacher must do individual approach.
c.       authoritarian to democratic
Mr Marsigit said that autoritarian people are people that can not explain. An autoritarian teacher not give students opportunity to explain their argue. Indonesia are democratic countrt, that every people give opportunity to explain their argue, like in UUD Republik Indonesia, it can applied to teaching learning process in class.
d.      teacher initiativeto students initiative
A way that is can make students initiative in their teaching learning activity, teacher can give open-ended problem, from this problem will get variety question, variety process, and logic variety, it will develope their thinking learning process. Cooperative teaching can applied in class, that is students gives their opportunity to determine topic that will be studied.
e.       passive student to active student
To be active students, teacher must give students opportunity to actived in teaching learning process that show by teachers. To get it, teacher must have initiative to make happyly teaching learning, actived students, and use teaching aids.
f.       Obligation  to need awareness
Learning is just not obligation, but begin from awareness that we need learning.
g.      result-oriented to results-oriented process
Any teacher are consider the result without success process. Example : teacher just read right students answers, seldom read how to get right answer.
h.      Quickly and in a hurry to wait patiently
Students have variety ability to receive content that its show by teacher. In order to teacher fill students awareness, teachers need to do repeating in giving material learning for slowly students, but for middle and faster students are given next task.
i.        step infront of  students lower ability.
j.        class service to individual service
k.      Expository lecture to discussion, the variation method
l.        Neutral/Pure mathematics to School mathematics
m.    memory, abstract concrete to comprehension, application
n.      external motivation to internal motivation
o.      very formal to semi informal
p.      Sentralistic to autonomy
q.      Highly structured to flexible
r.        teacher to educators, fasilitatot, dynamisator
s.       dominating role of the teacher's role to serve role
C.     Reference
Marsigit. , 2004. Inovasi Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Gairah Siswa dalam Belajar

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