Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


Konsep Dasar Kurikulum 2004
By : Marsigit
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati

I.                   Basic Concepts and Characteristics Curriculum 2004
There are several reasons why the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) be choices in an effort to improve the condition of education in this country, among them (Mukminan, 2003):
a.       The potential of students is different, and that potential will increase if use appropriate stimulus;
b.      The quality of educational outcomes are still low and neglected morals aspects, morals, manners, arts & sports, and life skill;
c.       Global competition causing students / children who are able to
work / exist, and the less able will fail;
d.      Competition on the ability of Human Resources products of  agency education, and
e.       Competition occurs in educational institutions, so need a formula that its clear about the graduate of standards competency, the next subject matter standard necessary competencies are translated into a number of base competencies.
It is recognized that the most fundamental issue is how planning, development and implementation of curriculum in accordance with the activities teaching and learning are expected. planning and curriculum development needs to pay attention to:
a.       Special Guidelines for Development of syllabus,
b.      Technical guidelines for implementation curriculum developed.
c.       supporting the curriculum in various shape, such as: book sources, learning facilities and the ability of teachers.
d.   involvement of teachers and other education personnel in planning and curriculum development,
e.       the need for socialization curriculum development to stakeholders, and
f.       the need for continuing evaluation of the implementation curriculum.
The Breath of curriculum based competency is on developing first-hand experience of learning, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills (life skills) either of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills). capabilities / competencies are developed assessed with the principles of assessment / assessment authentic not only on the level of memory and understanding but up to the application.
II.                Format, Systematics and Based Competence of Syllabus Preparation Steps
Format and sistematics syllabus prepared based on the principles of achievement of standards competency. Therefore, systematic presentation of the syllabus include the identification of levels of schooling, subject, class, semester, formulation standards of competence, basic skills to be achieved, learning materials, description of learning materials, learning experience, time and resource allocation, reference / referral. District and school have the authority to describe the basic capabilities into matter learning, description of learning materials, learning experiences, time allocation, and teaching and learning resources. Preparation steps of Syllabus Based Primary base  ability of  Mathematics lesson begins with a philosophical study of the development mathematics education, including is a compilation of scientific structure, stripped of at least mastered basic skills that junior high students, the development of Basic Learning Materials based on ability, followed by a description of material and writing a Learning Experience. Mathematics instructional material is material that is learned by students, as a means to acquire basic skills and learning objectives.

III.             Determination of Learning Experience
      Experiences and learning activities is an activity that needs to be done by students in order to achieve basic skills and learning materials. Judging from the competencies to be achieved, the experience can learn to memorize, use, and find; viewed from the side of the learning experience materials can be blessings in obtaining facts, concepts, principles, etc. Experience learning can be obtained both inside and outside the classroom. supported by the availability of material source, whether in the form of objects direct or indirect object that is contextual. learning strategies can be developed: (1) emphasizes on problem solving, (2) studied in various contexts of everyday life,
(3) encourage students as active Learners, (4) appreciate the uniqueness of students self and attention to student diversity and differences, (5) learning through cooperative learning, and (6) develop the assessment in the system the test.
      Allocation of time required is determined by: (1) the level of difficulty material, (2) wide range of material, (3) the frequency and level of the material studied, and (4) distribution and the number of competencies learned in each semester. In arrange syllabus phase, teachers must include  material source used reference by using the rules of writing in accordance with the provisions that apply. References used should be harmony with implementation of curriculum based competency and learning with contextual approach to teaching and learning (CT & L).

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