Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Sosialisasi Kantor Penjaminan Mutu Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Sosialisasi Kantor Penjaminan Mutu Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Oleh                : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed By   : Eka Sulistyawati

A. Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in UNY
Referring to the college quality assurance system, which apply the appropriate eight standard
by Law 19 of 2005, namely:
a.  standards content / curriculum,
b.standards of learning process,
c. standards competency,
d.   standard of education and educational personnel,
e. standard of facilities and infrastructure,
f. standard management,
g.standard financing, and
h.educational assessment.
a.   organization,
b.      administration,
c.       management,
d.      graduates,
e.        lecture, support staff, and students,
f.        cooperation,
g.      Tridarma universities: education and teaching, research / scientific papers; devotion
to the community,
h.      major supporter: P3AI, libraries, UPPL, UPSB, UPBK, UPP.
C.  Office of Quality Assurance UNY
SMPI implemented since 2005 when the quality assurance system is handled by the Ad Team
Hock, and SPMI was confirmed again by raising the status of the manager of the team becomes office with the name of the Office of Quality Assurance (KPM).

D. KPM Socialization
In essence, socialization SPMI done through out the year, by providing leaflet for academicians and stakeholders, and universities and community partners in need. In addition, do
socializing with face to face through safari KPM to faculty/PPs, and convey KPM information through the website UNY.
E.  Socialization Methods
There are three strategies that do, namely
(1) through leaflets (leaflets),
(2) safari / face to face, and
(3) internet. / website.
(4) coordination meeting
(5) Workshop
(6) Submission of the results of direct monitoring

F.   Difficulties / obstacles are most often overcome to achieve / meet quality standards in the SPMI?
The most frequently encountered obstacles to achieve the standard is change the culture of the civitas academic work toward targeted / standard that has been set itself.

G. Quality Control Management Model
Quality control management applied to refer to the PDCA (Plan, Do, Chek, Action) which
further expanded the SPTMR (STAPERTINMONRE) that is standards, planning, action, monitoring, reflection

H. Constraints Quality Management
a.       Constraint management of quality control especially in the monitoring phase.
b.      Monitoring and analysis of data sufficient time-consuming manual long time.
c.       To overcome this year monitoring system developed based ICT

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