Rabu, 09 November 2011

Lesson Study: Pendekatan Baru untuk Pembelajaran Matematika pada Murid Berkebutuhan Khusus Dimuat di KR Agustus 2008

Lesson Study:
Pendekatan Baru untuk Pembelajaran Matematika pada Murid Berkebutuhan Khusus
Dimuat di KR Agustus 2008
By: Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by : Eka Sulistyawati

Basic element of  Lesson Study is a cooperation, good cooperation among teachers, lecturers and teachers or cooperation between institutions such as schools, universities, MGMP or the Department of Education. With these basic elements so  Lesson Study have various benefits such as: to improve the professionalism of teachers, to improve the quality of learning, to develop the potential and serve of students learning needs , for develop a variety of props or teaching aids, etc.Cooperation was developed based on self-disclosure by teachers for reflection and communication processes and learning outcomes. we have a strong foundation to develop education for children with special needs. As mentioned in the Law no. 20 of 2003 National Education System Article 32 paragraph (1) that Special Education is education for
learners who have difficulty in following the learning process because physical, emotional, mental, social and / or have privileged the potential, intelligence and talent, paragraph (2) that education is an special education services for learners in remote or underdeveloped areas, indigenous communities are remote, and / or a disaster natural disasters are not capable of social and economic terms. Given the diversity of skills, potential and the difficulties experienced by children with special needs, then it is logical that development of learning certainly requires more attention. Meanwhile Ebutt and Straker (1995) defines school mathematics including for children with special needs rather than merely as a science as creativity and social activities that provide opportunities for children with disabilities specifically to look for patterns or relationships between one concept with another concept, conducting investigations in accordance with the capabilities of each child, try solve math problems, and communicate the results to a friend or teachers either orally or in writing. Some of the problems studied mathematics for children with special needs such as also occur if the other materials studied ranged on the utilization and processing mathematical information, use the information relating with mathematics, given some understanding or mathematical procedures, see relationships and using mathematics. Another problem related to physical constraints or others, can be derived from the likelihood they can not read well, do not understand the meaning or intent emblems or symbols of mathematics, can not focus
and can not control themselves. Torey Hayden (2004) suggested that teachers need to focus on core matters, measures and strategies to use simple and clear, always giving and planning assistance whether oral, written or visual, learning based on the existing context and linking with concrete objects, do repeating, and to serve the needs of supporting learning in the classroom immediately.

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