Jumat, 16 September 2011

Pemanfaatan Video Tape Recorder (VTR) Untuk Pengembangan Matematika Realistik di SMP

Pemanfaatan Video Tape Recorder (VTR) Untuk Pengembangan Matematika Realistik di SMP
Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
A.    Preface
Video tape recorder (VTR) is one way or effort  that can be done by teachers to get ideas about concrete objects and objects surrounding environment that can be used in learning mathematics.
1. VTR on learning geometry
a.       VTR containing a series of captions which can describing how a students or some students try find the formula of surface area of ​​sphere  by closing  on the surface.
b.      VTR containing a series of captions which how a students or some students try using tin, cones, and sand as well as model to find the formula volume of a cone.
A mathematical model of learning that has been recorded in the VTR certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. So the teachers can discussion to acquire new knowledge in a way compare with the experience.
2.      VTR in learning fractions
a. Fraction and Shape
Developing an illustration as a means to find concept related to fractions. Example by using pictures of whole fruit, then split apart into Several pieces.
b. Simple Fraction
Example 1 ¾ fraction Will be converted into a simple fraction, Presented in illustration 1 and ¾ parts of apple. So students can get a simple fraction of adding an apple (4 / 4) with ¾ of apple, and the result are 7 / 4 of an apple.
c. Changing fraction with denominator into the numerator Greater Than mixture fraction
This can be through with the device the numerator by the denominator. Will it get mixed fraction Whose value is the same as ordinary fraction.
d. Comparing Fractions
This can be done to illustrate to be compared on the number line. Or it can also illustrate the distribution of plots.
e. Sorting fraction
To sort the fragments by comparison with other fraction.
f. Fractional decimal
This is done by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
g. Percent
Using the first method is by changing the shape to ordinary fragtions percent, then if the fraction is not in its simplest form, the simplest change ordinary fraction into a first fraction.
h. Add and Subtract fraction
The number of fraction with same denominator, is the sum of the numerator, the numerator Divided by the denominator, this APPLIES if the fragments the which Will be operated in simple fraction form, Pls That Will the fragments have not operated in the simple form fractions, then simplify the task before us first.
i. Reduction of fraction Whose equal denominators
The result of reducting of two fractions with same denominator, the numerator is the result of a reduction of fraction of different denominators.
j. Addition and Reduction of fraction of different denominators
By KPK and the fraction FPB concept can be operated to the make the same denominator form.
k. Add and subtrack fraction was mixed
Adding of the mixed fraction can be done by add the natural numbers to natural numbers and fraction number to fraction number.
l. Multiplication of fraction and multiplying fractions by fractions
Multiplication of two fraction is the result times the numerator to nominees divedided by-product denominator to denominator.
Use of VTR realistic approach to learning mathematics can be
gives the following benefits:
1.      Teachers have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and environment object can be used as a learning context mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction.
2.      Teachers have the opportunity to explore and reflect on the concepts realistic mathematics learning.
3.       Teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences with other teachers about the development of realistic mathematical learning.
4.      Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the preparation of the learning process
teaching (PBM) in junior high school mathematics in accordance with the principles PMRI
5.      Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development of sources learning to the learning process (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with principles PMRI
6.      Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on development activities
assessment for teaching and learning process (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with
principles PMRI

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