Jumat, 16 September 2011


By : Marsigit
Reviewed By : Eka Sulistyawati
A.    Preface
From the results of research by the author (1995, 1997, 1999, 2002) showed that the bulk of math teachers are implementing traditional mathematics teaching, namely the learning of mathematics with expository relying on a single method with the cycle: explaining, giving examples, ask questions and give the task in the classical
. With this method then the mathematics  teachers have difficulty in: 1) serve the various needs / demands of the students in learning mathematics, 2) encouraging low achievers to improve student academic achievement, 3) encourage students to learn actively, 4) use and develop mathematical model 5) encourage students to learn through collaboration. Selection of one or several methods are dynamic and flexible are very important. That are: (1) Exsposition Method, (2) Discussion Method, (3) Exercise and Giving Assignment Method, (4)Discovery Method, (5) Problem Solving Method, (6) Usage Viewer Tool

B.     Development Model of Learning Math
Learning context that is fixed is the classroom, students and teachers themselves, while learning context that is changing is the model of learning, teaching styles and learning other aspects including materials, teaching resources, the implementation time of learning.
C.     Conclusion
Barriers both technical, academic, and socio-cultural in action to overcome the difficulties of service of teachers to their students.
1.   Business teachers in meeting the academic demands of a wide range of students, encourage students to with low achievers to improve their achievement, encourage students to learn actively, and encourage students to learn through collaboration, can be done by:
a. Developing the Student Worksheet  
The benefit of Student worksheet:
·         provide an opportunity for students to work independently
·         provide an opportunity for students to work together
·         provide an opportunity for teachers to develop a wide range of activities
·         provide a useful document for students and provides an alternative source of learning materials
·         provide an opportunity for students to perform activities of discovery

The obstacle of development of student worksheet:
·         increase the workload of teachers
·         require an additional cost
·         requires knowledge and skills of teachers
·         require continuity of development
·         require management techniques / management students worksheet
·         Schools need support in order to be implemented in a comprehensive
b.   Formation of study groups
Benefits of forming  a study group:
·         to encourage students to discuss and  
·         provide context and varied learning environment
·         provide an opportunity for teachers to develop a wide range of activities
·         provide an opportunity for students to work together
c.    Development of methods class discussions / group
Benefit the development of methods discussion:
·         provide an opportunity for students to initiate
·         provide an opportunity for students to think and find a different method
·         train students to accept others' opinions
·         deepend understanding of a concept
·         linking concepts with one another
·         provide feedback to teachers
·         obstacles in the development of methods of discussion:
·         teachers' understanding of the meaning of the discussion method is relatively less
·         the students are not used in conducting discussions
·         require additional time for the presentation of a material
·         material that can be discussed relatively less
·         dominated by  a brilliant student
·         not in accordance with the prevailing paradigm of learning
·         cultural constraints such as the saying goes: "silence is golden" and "empty barrel crake"
d.   Development of teaching aids and educational media.
Benefits of the development of teaching aids and educational media:
·         providing variety of activities
·         providing variety of learning methods
·         providing variations context and learning atmosphere  
·         clarify understanding of the concept

the obstacle development of teaching aids and media Education:
·         teaching aids are not too relevant to some material in high school mathematics learning
·         the use of teaching aids  need more time
·         need skills and creativity requires teachers to develop teaching aids and educational media
·         require additional cost for teaching aids  and high costs for the development of teaching aids
·         requires a high commitment to school
·         not in accordance with the prevailing paradigm of learning

D.    In the effort to develop a model of learning can be concluded:
a.       Teachers are still having difficulty in meeting the various demands of academic students.
b.      Teachers have developed a scheme to encourage students with low achievement to their improve achievement
c.       Teacher has managed to create conditions so as to encourage students to learn actively; but still have difficulty in developing the scheme.
d.      Master has managed to create conditions to encourage students to learn through collaboration; but still difficulties in developing the scheme.
e.       Teachers have tried to develop a method of discussion, problem solving and training and administration tasks; but still have difficulties in developing the scheme.
f.       generally, teachers have effortt to develop learning methods in accordance with the purpose of action research; but teachers experiencing technical difficulties, and academic and fundamentals. Technical difficulties of teachers in developing teaching methods that have not available equipment or facilities learning necessary.

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